How To Get Rid of Pigeons


As a resident of the Boston area, you might enjoy the rich history and bustling culture of our city. However, one less charming aspect of city living is dealing with pigeons. These persistent birds can be more than just a nuisance; they can cause property damage and pose health risks. If you're struggling with pigeons on your property, this guide is here to help you understand the problem and explore effective solutions to keep these pesky birds away.

Understanding the Pigeon Issue

Pigeons are ubiquitous in urban areas like Boston. They are attracted to locations with abundant food sources and nesting sites. They often take shelter in nooks and crannies such as roof eaves, balconies, and ledges. Additionally, food sources like crumbs, garbage, and bird feeders can attract pigeons to your property, especially in urban areas like Boston.

Common Issues Caused by Pigeons

  • Property Damage: Pigeons can cause significant damage to buildings. Their droppings are acidic and can erode stone, metal, and other building materials.
  • Health Risks: Pigeon droppings can harbor diseases such as histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. Additionally, they can attract other pests like rats and insects.
  • Aesthetic Concerns: Pigeon droppings are unsightly and can create an unpleasant environment around your home.

Effective Strategies for Pigeon Control

Here are a couple of things you can do to get rid of pigeons on your property:

1. Seal Entry Points

The first step in pigeon control is to prevent them from accessing your property in the first place. Inspect your building for any gaps, cracks, or openings where pigeons can enter. Seal these entry points with wire mesh, bird netting, or sealant to deny pigeons access to nesting sites.

2. Remove Potential Food Sources

Pigeons are scavengers and will flock to areas with readily available food. Keep your property clean and free of food scraps, spilled birdseed, and outdoor pet food. Use tightly sealed garbage bins and clean up any food spills promptly to discourage pigeons from congregating around your property.

3. Install Bird Deterrents

There are various bird deterrents available that can effectively deter pigeons from roosting and nesting on your property. Some options include:

  • Bird Spikes: These are strips of spiked material that can be installed on ledges, rooftops, and other flat surfaces to prevent pigeons from landing and roosting. These pigeon spikes are very popular on commercial buildings.
  • Bird Netting: Install bird netting over areas where pigeons tend to roost, such as balconies or under eaves. This prevents them from accessing these spaces.
  • Visual Deterrents: Options include hanging reflective surfaces like CDs or shiny tape, placing predator decoys such as owl or hawk figures, or using scare balloons that move in the wind.
  • Employ Natural Scents: Pigeons dislike certain scents, which can be used to repel them. Citrus peels, such as lemon or orange, can be scattered in areas where pigeons gather. Alternatively, essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus, or cinnamon can be diluted in water and sprayed around roosting sites. Additionally, cayenne peppers have also been known to deter pigeon populations.

4. Use Humane Trapping

If you have a significant pigeon problem that other methods haven't resolved, consider using humane trapping techniques. Live traps can capture pigeons without harming them, allowing you to release them elsewhere away from your property. However, check local regulations and consider consulting with wildlife experts before attempting trapping.

5. Maintain Regular Cleaning

Regular maintenance and cleaning of your property can go a long way in preventing pigeon problems. Keep gutters clear of debris, trim overhanging tree branches, and regularly inspect your building for signs of pigeon activity. Promptly clean up any droppings to deter pigeons from returning to the same spots.

6. Seek Professional Help

If you're struggling to control a pigeon infestation despite your best efforts, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Pest control companies experienced in bird management can assess your property, recommend effective solutions, and implement strategies to rid your property of pigeons safely and effectively.

Maintaining a Pigeon-Free Property

After taking initial steps to address the pigeon problem, maintaining a pigeon-free property requires ongoing vigilance. Regularly inspect your property for new entry points or nesting sites, and clean up any droppings promptly. Engage with your community to spread awareness and encourage collective action.

It's important to approach pigeon control humanely and consider eco-friendly options. Avoid using poisons or lethal traps, as they can harm other wildlife and pets. Boston is home to various wildlife, and maintaining the ecological balance is crucial.

Consider Professional Bird Control

Dealing with pigeons can be challenging and frustrating—so it might be time to let the professionals handle it. By employing humane and effective strategies, such as optical gel, dura spiles, stealth netting, and more, our team of local experts is here to help keep your property free of birds, including pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and seagulls. Learn more about our professional bird control options.

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